Ignacio Font, August 2022

Sobre el artista

gnacio Font was born of Cuban parents on the island of Puerto Rico, where he began his search as an artist. As a child, Ignacio always felt an outsider, not belonging to his family, neighborhood or school. At the age of 10, he visited New York with his family and felt a warm embrace when in front of a Jackson Pollock painting. A year later his family moved to Miami from Puerto Rico and the disjointed feeling he always had became an even greater contrast to the warm embrace of the Pollock painting. This disjointed feeling, coupled with the warm embrace, are the driving forces in his works.

Ignacio se licenció en Bellas Artes en la Universidad Internacional de Florida, tras cambiar su especialidad de Informática, gracias a un astuto profesor de Historia del Arte que vio al artista en Ignacio. Más tarde regresó a la ciudad donde se encendió su amor por el arte, y recibió su MFA de la Escuela de Artes Visuales de Nueva York. En la actualidad, Ignacio enseña arte en un colegio privado de Miami, y crea obra siempre que puede y donde puede.

Ignacio es cofundador de collaboARTive y preside la Junta Directiva.

Learn more at his website.


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