Eumelia Castro, November 2025

Sobre la Artista

Eumelia Castro nacio en Venezuela. Desde muy pequena presento la habilidad de expresarse a traves del dibujo. Es graduada en Publicidad y Diseno Grafico , trabajo durante muchos anos como ilustradora y Directora de Arte en agencias de Publicidad en Caracas Venezuela.

Es artista autodidacta establecida en los estados Unidos desde el ano 2002  actualmente vive en Miami Florida,  emigrar fue un nuevo comienzo para ella que lo aprovecho para desarrolar , ampliar conocimientos y tecnicas en su pintura. En su trabajo en Publicidad pudo descubrir diferentes tecnicas como la acuarela, creyon y marcador las que le ayudan a dar el salto y experimentar con oleo y acrilico.

Eumelia ha desarrollado su propio estilo la inspira la naturaleza, la belleza y delicadeza de la mujer, utiliza diferentes herramientas en su pintura que le permiten  crear  texturas , suaves y dinamicas formas. Eumelia ha expuesto satisfactoriamente su trabajo en Galerias y Ferias de Arte en Estados Unidos, Belgica, Francia, Espana, Italia , China, y Korea.

Sobre el artista

Eumelia Castro was born in Venezuela. From a very young age she showed the ability to express herself through drawing. She has a degree in Advertising and Graphic Design, and worked for many years as an illustrator and Art Director in Advertising agencies in Caracas, Venezuela.

She is a self-taught artist established in the United States since 2002, currently living in Miami Florida. Emigrating was a new beginning for, and she took advantage of it to develop and expand her knowledge and techniques in her painting. Through her work in Advertising she was able to discover different techniques such as watercolor, crayon and marker, all of which helped her take the leap and experiment with oil and acrylic. 

Eumelia is inspired by nature, the beauty and delicacy of women. She has developed her own style and uses different tools in her painting that allow her to create textures, soft and dynamic shapes. Eumelia has successfully exhibited her work in Galleries and Art Fairs in the United States, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, China, and Korea.


Ramon Altamirano, October 2025